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Comparing Sprongo to other Video Analysis Platforms

Coaches and athletes have embraced Sprongo as their leading video analysis platform. While other platforms offer a similar service, Sprongo provides a unique experience that combines cloud-based, mobile app and artificial intelligence capabilities. With these features in play, Sprongo allows for easy video analysis anywhere, anytime. 

Unlike other platforms, Sprongo’s software is completely web-based. We’ve removed the need to install, download or upgrade our software to make life easier for our users. All you need is an internet connection and an account and you’re good to go. 

The Sprongo platform also has integrated AI capabilities that provides automated analysis of angles and movement. It carefully analyzes the angular measurements of an athlete’s legs, hips, shoulders and arms within a video clip. This allows you to spend more time analyzing rather than manually noting each measurement frame-by-frame. 

You can analyze more than one frame in your videos and create datasets for an interval. It offers a number of features such as slow motion to illustrate potential improvements, as well as side-by-side and overlay capabilities for comparative analysis. You can also tag, edit, trim and rearrange your videos and share with other coaches, or team members to help improve overall performance.

One of our missions here at Sprongo is to make video analysis an easier process. This is why we are proud to have the Sprongo app that allows you to analyze videos on-the-go, no matter where you are.

Simply download the app from Google Play or Apple Store. Sign in with your account or set up a new account on the app, then use it to upload, analyze and share your videos in real time. All of Sprongo’s web-based features are available on the app, allowing you to analyze videos as you would normally. 

So why not start analyzing your videos with Sprongo? Learn more about how we can help improve athlete performance here.

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