Sprongo is an intelligent video analysis platform that offers automated angle analysis of movement. It takes video analysis to the next level with easy analysis of angular measurements of an athlete’s legs, hips, shoulders and arms. 

To help you get the most out of your video analysis, below are step-by step instructions for some of Sprongo’s features.

Analyze Intervals

Sprongo’s Interval Analysis feature provides detailed analysis of movement and angle measurement over all 4 quadrants of the body. With this feature you are able to select up to 3 seconds to be analyzed.

  1. Login to your Sprongo account and upload the video you want to analyze, or select one of your uploaded videos. 
  2. Use the slider on the video’s timeline to select which movement you would like to analyze.
  3. Click the blue ‘AI Analyze’ button on the bottom right and select ‘Analyze Interval’.
  4. Once the ‘Analyze Interval’ function is selected, you will need to select the part of the video you would like to analyze (this would be the athlete’s body).
  5. Once you receive the notification that your analysis is complete, click the notification to view the video.
  6. Upon viewing the completed analysis, you should see a blue highlight over the part of the video that had been analyzed.
  7. Drag the slider to analyze the movements and angles of the athlete’s body.

Single Frame Analysis

The Single Frame feature focuses on one single frame of your video, which allows you to select one portion of your video for deeper analysis.

  1. Login to your Sprongo account and upload the video you want to analyze, or select one of your uploaded videos. 
  2. Use the slider on the video’s timeline to select which movement you would like to analyze.
  3. Click the blue ‘AI Analyze’ button on the bottom right and select ‘Single Frame’.
  4. Once the ‘Single Frame’ function is selected, you will need to select the part of the video you would like to analyze (this would be the athlete’s body).
  5. Once you receive the notification that your analysis is complete, click the notification to view the video.
  6. Upon viewing the complete analysis, you should see a blue highlight over the part of the video that had been analyzed.
  7. Drag the slider to analyze the movements and angles of your athlete’s body.

Darkmode Analysis

Darkmode allows you to turn off the lights to better filter out the noise and identify the strength and weaknesses of your athlete with an in-depth review of technique.

  1. Select the video that has been analyzed.
  2. Select the ‘Darkmode’ button under the video to turn it on.
  3. Move the slider to the point you would like to analyze.

Video Trimming and Highlights

Using the trimming and highlights feature helps you keep the focus on the most important elements of performance.

  1. Select the video you would like to trim.
  2. Click on ‘trim’ in the functions section.
  3. Select the beginning and end point of your trimmed video.
  4. Click on ‘Save Video’ on the top of the video.
  5. Create a name for your video, add to a playlist and/or tag users you would like to share the video with.

Adding Voice Overs

The Voice Over function allows you to add time specific voice-overs to give your team precise video feedback and facilitate communication.

  1. Select the video you would like to add a voice over to.
  2. Drag the slider to the point you would like to add your voice over.
  3. Select the microphone button in the functions section.
  4. Click on the microphone icon on the top of the video to start recording your voice.
  5. Replay or re-record your voice over until you are happy with it.
  6. Save the recording to add it to your video.

Drawing Tools & Commenting

Use the Drawing & Commenting Tool on your videos to give feedback to your team and review their performance.

  1. Select the video you would like to add a drawing and/or comment to.
  2. Drag the slide to the point of the video you would like to add a drawing or comment.
  3. Click on the pencil icon in the functions section.
  4. Pick your preferred colour and shape and start drawing on your video.
  5. Add a comment to explain your drawing .

For more information on video analysis and our features that can help you improve performance and technique, visit the Sprongo blog.