Strength training is a great way to build muscle and endurance in sport. It usually takes a few weeks to start seeing results, but following a consistent plan can help increase bone density and muscle mass and even alleviate symptoms of depression. However, performing strength training exercises incorrectly can do more harm than good. Here are a few common mistakes you’ll want to avoid during your next training session.
Not having a proper strength training regime
Just like any sort of training, it’s important to understand what your objectives are and what routines are going to benefit you the most. Consult with your coach and fitness trainer to determine what training programmes would work best for you and your needs. They will consider all the factors contributing to your performance and help you create a customised plan to suit your health and fitness objectives.
You only do strength training during off season
Strength training is a long-term plan. If you aren’t doing it consistently, any progress will be short-sighted. Dropping the ball even for a few weeks can result in a noticeable drop in strength. While this doesn’t mean you should focus on strength training all year round, it is important to understand how a consistent training program during both on and off seasons can help improve your performance.
Training till your body hurts
One of the most common mistakes during strength training is to keep at it until your muscles fail. Working out till the point of exhaustion doesn’t do you any favours. Ending your training set just before you completely drain your tank is actually more effective.
Not resting enough before your next workout
Similar to the point above, many athletes become addicted to training whenever they get the chance. While this may seem like a good idea in the moment – it actually does your body more harm. Various studies have reported that muscles in your body need about 24 to 48 hours to recover after a workout. This is also dependent on the kind of workout, the intensity and the diet followed during those days. Training stimulates growth in your body, however, growth only takes place when you observe proper rest after a workout.
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